This is a heartfelt acknowledgement to the incredibly gifted artists whose work adorns this website.
To the best of our knowledge the artists responsible are as follows:
Abut us pages
- Nicolas Bouvier (About us index page & Self Sufficiency section)
- David Wood (24/7 operations section)
- Stefan Morrell (Corporate Principles section)
Divisions pages
- Maciej Kuciara (Divisions index page)
- Nicholas Ferrand (Trading Division section)
- David Demaret (Fleet Security section)
- Unknown (Explorer Corps section)
Alliances page
- François Baranger (Alliances index page)
Careers page
- Henry Pashkov (Careers index page)
Forum banner
Background picture
Background music
- Carbon Based Lifeforms - Interloper
Use permission granted in courtesy
of Ultimae Records.